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Break Free from Narcissistic Attachment by Becoming Self-full®
Module 1: Introduction
Introduction: How To Leave The Narcissist’s Castle (2:17)
The Anxious-Narcissistic Dance
Don’t Take It Personal
The Purpose Of This Course
Attachment Styles
Taking A Step Back (1:03)
The Anxious-Preoccupied One
The Anxious-Preoccupied One (1:52)
So… Am I Anxious?
Anxious-Preoccupied Checklist
The Dismissive-Avoidant One
The Dismissive-Avoidant One (1:27)
“All You Need Is Love” Is A Lie
Are They Dismissive-Avoidant? [Checklist]
The Secure, Self-Full One
The Secure, Self-Full One (1:14)
Introduction to Selfish, Selfless, and Self-full
Loving From the Inside Out
Knowing When To Walk Away
Losing Yourself Within A Relationship
Relationship Wisdom
Finding Someone Who Is Secure
Am I Secure? [Checklist]
Wrap Up
How Childhood Shapes an Attachment Style
So… Can I Change My Attachment Style?
Module 2: Energy Interactions
Taking A Step Back (0:23)
Auras, Chakras, and Energy
The Energies of Attachment Styles
Energetic Cords
The Maximizer and the Minimizer (3:58)
The Dance Continues
The Dismissive-Avoidant One Constricts Energy
The Anxious Preoccupied One Amplifies Energy
How Reactions to Pain and Fear Impact Energetic Cords
Energy Medicine Activity
Breath, Belly, Heart: Energy Meditation Exercise
Wrap Up
Next Steps
Module 3: Things to Look out for with a Dismissive-Avoidant (Narcissist)
Taking A Step Back (4:10)
Early Dating Traps
The Narcissistic One
The Narcissistic One
So, what exactly is a Narcissist?
The Dance a Whiplash Loop
Love Bombing (1:52)
Ghosting (1:28)
The Silent Treatment (2:17)
Hoovering (1:29)
Gaslighting (1:27)
Wrap Up
Next Steps
Module 4: The Loops
Taking A Step Back (1:35)
The Loop: The Same Old Song (2:51)
Stage 1: The Trigger
Stage 2: The Reaction
Stage 3: The Reckoning
Realizing You’re in the Loop
Wrap Up
Knowing You’re in a Loop
Module 5: Breaking The Loop
Taking A Step Back (1:28)
Breaking the Anxious/ Dismissive-Avoidant Loop (1:17)
The Fear of Being Alone
Selfish, Selfless, and Self-full
Selfish: The Taker
Selfless: The Giver (2:02)
Self-full: The Giver and the Receiver (0:47)
How Do I Get There?
Back to the Loops: From Break to Rebirth
Knowing Your Truth
Grounding Exercise
Feeling Your Pain: Getting to Know Yourself
Feeling Your Pain Exercise
Letters to Your Anxious Self
Wrap Up
Know Your Truth
Module 6: Detoxification
Taking A Step Back (1:07)
What is Detox
The Stages of Attachment Detox
Stage 1: Denial (3:18)
Stage 2: Negotiating (2:17)
Stage 3: Depression (1:12)
Stage 4: Anger (1:11)
Stage 5: Relapse
Stage 6: Acceptance (2:41)
Stage 7: Boundaries
Wrap Up
Something to Remember
Grounding Meditation
Self-full Journaling
If You Choose to Leave Goodbye Letters
Community Support
Create Your Mantra
How Childhood Shapes an Attachment Style
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